1 x 1 Metre. Very strong FINE Fibreglass Mosaic Mounting Mesh

£4.25 £3.54

Using mesh is a great method to make a mosaic.
The mosaic can be made the correct way up in the warmth of the workshop and then moved to its final location.

Multiples of 1 meter will be sent in one length

SKU: SKU-1mtmeshfine01 Categories: , ,


1 square metre, 100cm x 100cm (39inch x 39inch).
Fibreglass mounting mesh.
Suitable for all types of tile.
Very strong, safe to use
If buying more than 1 metre it will be left on the roll for you to cut to your required length Hole in mesh size 2mm


1/ Firstly put your design on the work bench. (Pin this out)

2/ On top of this put cling film. (Pin this out)

3/ On top of that put the mash. (Pin this out)

4/ Using a paintbrush, use waterproof PVA glue (available cheaply from any builders) paint it on to the mesh and stick your tiles face upwards on to the mesh.

5/ Once you design is complete and the PVA is dry you will be able to lift it up and or turn it over.

6/ peel the cling film from the back of your design.

7/ Put a thin 1.5mm flat layer of adhesive on the wall or where ever you design will be installed.

8/ You will be able to lift your design up in one piece and press the whole thing into the adhesive.

9/ If it is to large to move in one piece simply cut it up on the work bench with a sharp blade between the tiles in usable sizes and reassemble on the wall

Once the adhesive has gone off grout in the normal way.

Additional information

Weight 250.0 g